Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Can you think of anything in the last five years you think Congress should be proud of?

I caught Lincoln Chafee on daily show reruns last night trying to answer this question. I watched the episode on the internet and I don’t understand why he stayed with the republicans. He seemed like a reasonable guy but a RINO is still a republican. That meant status quo in terms of leadership. Who knows? Right now one of those old democratic bastards in a red state might die and we might be screwed anyway. In all fairness to Lincoln’s resounding lack of response, the enormous screwups make anything positive seem insignificant and, consequently, forgettable.

I went to a sports bar to meet the brothers’ Zippin and had Two Cokes while I was watching the first half of the Jets game on sunday. Welcome worknight sobriety. While I recognize that I look like a punk in front of the frat crowd at the bar I am to old to care anymore. Anyway, I finished my burger and left the bar around 6. I couldn’t fall asleep until one. My heart was racing insanely. I always wondered why, as a teenager, I had such trouble falling asleep. I am starting to think it has something to do with all the soda I drank. It used to be at least a can a night and sometimes as much as a liter.

Oh and yes the Jets looked horrible.

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