Monday, April 26, 2010

Republicans Voted Against Reforming Wall Street

The stock market has rebounded, but unemployment is at 10% and the percent of people underwater on their homes doesn't look to recover for the near future. Wall street has recovered, but mainstreet and nostreet are still struggling

There is no bleeding liberal heart argument here that the practical thing is to get something done to help the people, we did that for healthcare only because people were physically ill and while we were ok with the outcome we have a bad taste in our mouths about how it went down.

Compromise for the greater good here, makes no political sense and it makes no sense policy wise. Unlike healthcare, i wouldn't feel badly if the republicans block these reforms indefinitely. This legislation is wildly popular. Decimating the republican brand, by having them vote against this legislation for months, might be worth not getting anything done. This bill will be the most popular bill obama ever passes. Energy, Immigrants, Environment, nothing else will come close. Everytime an elected official votes against it, they will be on the wrong side of not just history but of public opinion.

The frame job that this isnt strong enough wont hold,, no matter how much the democrats screw up the public media and how much Goldman Sachs spends.

The issue is too clear for the american public, no rovian language, no luntzian wordspeak can make up seem down...

Republicans voted against reforming Wall Street.

That is the frame.

That is the meme.

Republicans voted against reforming Wall Street.

The reps are hoping the dems make some backroom deal and strip out the protections for the customers and go easy on the banks. My advice to the dems is similar to what the computer Joshua told professor Falken in War Games:

The only winning move is not to play


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