Lets flash back to late August to our trip to nicaragua. This wonderful, wild dog was following us all around the island on our kayaking, biking, and hiking adventures. On our last day in ometempe, a big dog came out of nowhere and mauled him. Just about to leave a a remote island without a vet -- we werent sure he was going to make it. Our best shot was a team of doctors who were coming the following week to do volunteer work on the island..
Hello volunteer vet brigade,
I was at the hacienda merida with my girlfriend on Saturday when one of the friendly dogs who had been following us around for a couple days got attacked/ mauled in front of us by another dog while walking around. He had a big gash on his forehead - all the way to the bone-- and another one on his eye. We left that day, upset that immediate assistance was unavailable on the island, but we became somewhat comforted when Alvaro, the hotel owner, told us about your team and the work that you were going to be doing on the island starting on tuesday. I understand that you are treating many animals on the island and that in the animal heirarchy, the livestock is more important to the lives of the community, but we would still love to know if you have any info on this dog. If your team was able to treat that dog let me know how everything worked out.
Thanks 410E9th
Dear 410E9th,
Thank you for your support of our cause! Here are some of the photos of the dog you helped - We named him Dex( he sat beneath a portion of our pharmacy near a drug called dexametrazone") He hung out with us all week. I think he would have climbed into bed with us if we let him. His head wound healed nicely, and we were able to treat his cough. I also left one of the hotel staff with dewormer and flea and tick medicine for him for the rest of the year. You can keep posted on our new developmentts from our 2010 trip on our website:
thanks again!!
The IVSA team.